Subject: |
Parking Scheme Update Report |
Date of Meeting: |
24th November 2020 |
Report of: |
Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture |
Contact Officer: |
Name: |
Catherine Dignan |
Tel: |
01273 292235 |
Email: | |
Ward(s) affected: |
Withdean, Preston Park & Patcham |
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Committee on the progress of the recent resident parking scheme detailed design in the Surrenden Area.
2.1 That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of advertising a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a light touch resident parking scheme in the Surrenden Area.
Surrenden Area
3.1 Following Environment, Transport & Sustainability (ETS) Committee approval in November 2019, a consultation letter was sent out to households in the Surrenden area in January 2020. The consultation was also advertised on the council’s website, via social media and by a press-release to local media. The results outlined that 69.8% of respondents were in favour of a Resident’s Parking Scheme in the area based on a 54% response rate. The recommendation is to consult on a light touch parking scheme as 63.2% of respondents preferred this.
3.2 Following ETS approval on 23rd June 2020, it was agreed to contact residents and businesses in the Surrenden area to find out if there was support for a Light Touch Residents Parking scheme Monday to Friday.
4.1 The main alternative options are doing nothing which would mean that the parking scheme would not be taken forward or consulting on a different option.
4.2 It is, however, the recommendation of officers to proceed for the reasons that are outlined within the report.
5.1 Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 1660 property addresses in the Surrenden area. A frequently asked question sheet and the detailed design was sent to each address. Respondents were invited to complete the survey online via the council’s Consultation Portal. Residents could also request paper copies should they need it. 420 (97%) responses were received online, 12 (2.8%) by mail and 1 via email. The consultation ran from 17 July to 14 August 2020.
5.2 The results outlined that 74% of respondents supported the idea of a resident parking scheme in the area based on a 26.2% response rate.
5.3 Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the consultation including a road by road results plan, including the main comments is outlined in detail in Appendix A.
5.4 We received representation from two groups and where possible we have accommodated their suggestions, however, there are some which conflict with the wider Council consultation which had a lot more respondents.
6.1 Due to the consultation and reasons outlined in the report it is recommended that the Traffic Regulation Order is advertised to allow the implementation of the Surrenden Area parking scheme shown in Appendix B.
6.2 Officers have met with the Withdean Ward Councillors who to support the recommendations for the Council to proceed to the Traffic Regulation Order stage.
Financial Implications:
7.1 Any costs associated with the report recommendations will be covered by existing revenue budgets within Parking Services. The detailed financial implications of the proposed scheme, if spending is additional to this, will be included in future committee reports once the final design of the scheme has been determined
7.2 The recurring financial impact of the scheme will be reflected within the service revenue budget and reviewed as part of the budget monitoring process.
7.3 Revenue income generated from on-street parking schemes is first defrayed against relevant costs with any surplus used for qualifying related expenditure such as supported bus services, concessionary fares, Local Transport Plan projects and Highways & Maintenance projects as determined by legislation.
7.4 Parking charges are subject to the Council’s Corporate Fees and Charges Policy. As a minimum, charges are reviewed annually as part of the budget and service planning process.
Finance Officer Consulted: Jess Laing Date: 05/11/2020
Legal Implications:
7.3 The Council has given conscientious consideration to the representations and comments made in response to the consultation with residents regarding the proposed scheme. Such consideration must be given following consultation with the public.
7.3 The recommendation in this report is based on the responses to the consultation following the required consideration given to them.
Lawyer Consulted: Stephanie Stammers Date: 22 October 2020
Equalities Implications:
7.4 Consultation took place and the comments and wishes of the respondents were taken into account when considering what changes would best meet the needs of those local population. Engagement with a wide range of residents has been built into the process from the start. The use and analysis of data and engagement has informed the project to ensure it meets the needs of the local population. The proposed measures will be of benefit to many road users.
Sustainability Implications:
7.5 No sustainability implications identified.
Brexit Implications:
7.6 No Brexit implications identified.
Any Other Significant Implications:
7.6 None
Crime & Disorder Implications:
7.7 None
Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:
7.8 None
1. Appendix A – Results of the proposed Surrenden area
2. Appendix B – Plan of the area to be included in the proposed Traffic Regulation Order
Background Documents
1. Agenda Item 43 – Report to ETS Committee 27/11/18
2. Agenda Item 11 – Report to ETS Committee 23/06/20